AttackN Subscription

AttackN Subscription | NDAY Security

AttackN Subscription

Our continuous bug-hunting platform, known as AttackN, combines AI-powered scans with human expertise. Our operation runs cyclical, uncovering web application flaws missed by other tools. It checks default/weak passwords on all applications and scans for traditional network service flaws, ensuring comprehensive coverage and proactive defense against potential threats. Your human operators triage and validate the findings using our real-time dashboard. We use multiple overlapping tools for complete coverage, ensuring a proactive and robust defense strategy against potential threats. This approach keeps us ahead in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, effectively safeguarding your systems and data.

AttackN is designed to support organizations of all sizes and can be purchased in the following variants:

  • 1-32 Live IP Addresses
  • 33-128 Live IP Addresses
  • 129-256 Live IP Addresses
  • 257-512 Live IP Addresses


How It Works

Upon deployment, customers can simply import a CSV file to get started. Please note, it is essential for your email domain to match subnets and domains in the CSV. If your email domain differs, we request that you contact us beforehand to obtain proper authorization. We acknowledge that this requirement may present an initial inconvenience, but we greatly appreciate your understanding. Safeguarding the integrity of our service and preventing any misuse is paramount to us. We approach this matter with utmost seriousness and diligence.

The CSV format needs to have the following header values:

  • Registered Company
  • Target Asset
  • Asset Type
  • Exclusion Status

To get pricing or learn more, please complete the form below or contact

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